Introducing Serino Cigars, where passion and expertise meet to create a truly exceptional smoking experience. Led by Anthony Philip Serino, President of APS DISTRIBUTORS, LLC and founder of Serino Cigar Co., we proudly present the Serino Royale - a Super Premium Cigar Line that has captivated cigar enthusiasts worldwide.
Renowned for its unrivaled quality, the Serino Royale has garnered the highest accolades from top Cigar reviewers, establishing itself as a favorite among discerning cigar aficionados. With 21 years of dedication to the craft, Tony and his son Carson have achieved remarkable success in crafting a premium yet affordable cigar line that rivals those priced at twice its value. From seed to band, every Serino Royale Cigar is meticulously crafted by hand using a blend of aged tobaccos sourced from the fertile soils of Jalapa Valley and Esteli, aged for four years. The exquisite wrappers are grown in the bountiful valleys of Ecuador. Each cigar is then rolled with utmost precision and aged for three years in our humidors before it reaches your hands.
The crowning jewel of the Serino Royale is the result of a prestigious collaboration with Omar González-Alemán, owner of the world-famous La Corona Cigars, S.A. Factory in Esteli, Nicaragua. With an impressive background at the esteemed Cuban La Corona factory, where he earned the title of "Head Director," Omar has manufactured some of the most iconic Cuban brands. Now, he lends his expertise to the production of the Serino Royale Cigar Line, ensuring an unparalleled smoking experience. At Serino Cigars, we pour our hearts and souls into creating the Serino Royale Line of Majestic Cigars. We invite you to savor the labor of love that has manifested into these fine cigars. Indulge in the Serino Royale and elevate your smoking experience to new heights.